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What Counts as a Breach of the Peace in a Repo?

Repossession is a common practice in the world of finance, especially when it comes to cars. While creditors have the legal right to repossess a vehicle, they must do so without breaching the peace. While Texas, Alabama, and all other states follow the Uniform Commercial Code, determining what constitutes a breach of the peace during...
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Disputed Liability Car Wreck Claims

After an auto accident, most insurance companies try to determine who had responsibility for the crash. When both sides are unwilling to assume liability, then both drivers may need to seek legal action in order to get compensation. If you’re involved in a disputed liability car wreck, there are several options available to help resolve...
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Truth in Lending Act and Identity Theft

Most people know the the Truth in Lending Act from the disclosure requirements on the front end. It requires credit grantors to disclose certain information to borrowers so they can make informed decisions about their loans. This includes information such as finance charges, annual percentage rate (APR), and the total amount that you have to...
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Motorcycle Accident Claims and Lawsuits

Have you or a loved one been involved in a motorcycle accident? Crashes involving motorcycles often result in serious injury and even death. In these cases, it is important to understand your options for recovering financial compensation. Motorcycle accidents are some of the most dangerous vehicular accidents due to the lack of protection that a...
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Introduction to Alabama Car Wreck Claims

Are you involved in a car accident in Alabama and need to know how to handle the claims process? Car accidents occur everyday across Alabama and can be overwhelming. Not only is it strenuous to navigate the physical, emotional, and psychological aftermath of an accident, but also dealing with insurance companies can add to the...
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Alabama Breach of the Peace Repossessions

Repossessions are a commonly used way for creditors to reclaim their property when borrowers allegedly fail to make payments — also known as defaulting on the agreement. People facing a repossession often experience stress and these situations can be frightening when the repo man shows up. In Alabama, breach of the peace actions while attempting...
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Introduction to Credit Report Disputes

What can you do if an item on your credit report is inaccurate or incorrect? Are you stuck dealing with the inaccuracy, never to have it corrected? Fortunately, there is a way to dispute information with Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion credit report. Your credit report contains a lot of important financial information about you, and...
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Same Name Credit Report Errors

Are you being affected by same name credit report errors? For those who share identical — or even close — names with someone else, the possibility of having their credit report mixed up with another person’s can become a reality. With so much at stake for your financial well-being, any errors made on your report...
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