Birmingham | Dallas | Houston
Alabama: 205-378-8121 Texas: 214-377-1416

Personal Injury


Personal Injury

People all over Texas and Alabama encounter dangerous conditions due to the negligence of others everyday.  These situations can arise in many ways — slick floors in a restaurant, a dangerous dog in the neighborhood, and poorly maintained equipment are just a few examples.  When the owners know, or should know, of the danger and fail to correct it, victims may be entitled to compensation if they are injured.

For instance, a restaurant knows its ice maker is leaky.  This causes puddles of water on the floor.  Therefore, it may be liable for a customer’s injuries if a customer slips and falls in it.  Slip and fall cases are different than car accident cases in that the stores may ask you to sign an “incident report” or some other document is that actually a release of damages.  This could have a high impact on the value of the case and signed without even knowing it was in the report.  It is important to to review everything carefully and not sign anything questionable without talking with an attorney first.

Premises liability and other personal injury cases follow the standard litigation track.  Both sides get the opportunity to ask questions to learn about the case in discovery.  Eventually, if the case does not settle, a jury can decide liability and value.

Contact Us on Your Negligence Case

We are passionate about helping people in times of trouble. We stand up for the rights of people who have been victims of negligence.  These case can be car accidents, slip and falls or any other case involving injury.