NCLC Debt Collection Verification and Dispute Letter Templates
The National Consumer Law Center has published a new article on stopping debt collector harassment on alleged debt claims. It includes two useful...Read More
Texas Breach of the Peace Repossession
Lenders and repossession companies can only take a vehicle if they do so without causing a breach of the peace. This is...Read More
NCLC Advice on Wage Garnishment and Bank Account Seizure
The National Consumer Law Center has published a new article advising consumers on wage garnishment and bank account seizures. This topic is especially...Read More
What To Do When Another Person’s Information On Your Credit Report
A mixed filed is when credit information from one person in incorrectly placed in the credit file of another person. For instance,...Read More
Consumers Sue Equifax for Data Breach
Consumers are starting to sue Equifax in small claims court for the recent data breach: A librarian from Vermont took the credit-reporting...Read More
Fake Debt Collector Steals Nearly $50,000
When a debt buyer or debt collector sues a consumer, it must prove it owns the debt and the amount is correct. ...Read More
Identification Requirements When Disputing Credit Report Errors
Disputing credit report errors starts when consumers find errors on their Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion (also known as credit reporting agencies or CRAs)...Read More
I have been sued for a claim under Account Stated, what does that mean?
Earlier this week, we discussed the statute limitations for account stated and other claims creditors and debt buyers use. Account stated is...Read More
New In Depth Advice on Motor Vehicle Car Repossessions
The National Consumer Law Center has published a new in depth article on helping consumers prevent car repossessions and what to do in...Read More
What are the debt statute of limitations in Texas and Alabama?
Alabama Statute of Limitations There are several different claims a creditor or debt buyer can bring in a consumer debt type lawsuit...Read More